Sanctuary for the Abused
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong?

An abusive man ...
* shouts
* sulks
* smashes things
* glares
* calls you names
* makes you feel ugly and useless
* cuts you off from your friends
* stops you working
* never admits he is wrong
* blames you, drugs, drink, stress etc.
* turns the children against you
* uses the children to control you
* never does his share of the housework
* never looks after the children
* expects sex on demand
*withholds sex
* controls the money
* blames you when he gets sick
* blames you when you are sick
* threatens or wheedles you to get his own way
* seduces your friends/ sister/ anyone
* expects you to be responsible for his well-being
A non-abusive man ...
* is cheerful
* consistent
* supportive
* tells you you look good
* tells you you're competent
* uses your name
* trusts you
* trusts your judgment
* welcomes your friends and family
* encourages you to be independent
* supports your learning, career etc.
* admits to being wrong
* is a responsible parent
* is an equal parent
* does his share of the housework
* accepts that you have a right to say "no" to sex
* shares financial responsibility
* takes responsibility for his own well-being and happiness
(while this is written in the male gender,
simply change the pronoun if it is a female abuser)
Labels: abusive, adult children of narcissists, blame, mr. right, mr. wrong, narcissist, pathological, playing games, psychopath, sociopath, supportive, verbal abuse
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